To Write is Right!

Reading so many articles and pieces of stuff, by now we all must've got to know many achievements, innovations, discoveries, etc. But, did you once notice the efforts of writing? Well, to our knowledge it's not just about writing, it's about Writing.

Have an idea about journaling? No, it has got nothing to do with journalism. It simply is writing down your thoughts and feelings to understand your thoughts more clearly. There are many types among those who write, like poet, satirist, lyricist, etc. basically professional writers. And then there are people, who write for themselves, who write their happiness, who write their cries, their trauma.

Earlier, research has also found that writing about negative emotions – getting things “off your chest” – can improve your mental health. And it seems to benefit physical health with mental health as well. Writing helps individuals process their thoughts and emotions. It helps people think critically and review a situation in a distinctive light. Like writing about stressful events, traumatic experiences, or expressing one’s emotions through writing. Expressive writing is most suitable for people coping with trauma or unexpected life developments like disease diagnosis, layoffs, or critical accidents, which throw them off balance. It helps in dealing with the situation thus reducing one’s anxiety levels. It is said that before suicide when one writes a letter it increases the chances of not committing suicide.

Writing is also therapeutic and helps individuals deal with the things they cannot disclose to other people due to certain reasons. In most cases, such individuals find themselves working towards solving the situations that bothered them in their past. They delve into their feelings and try to figure out why they do certain things or behave in a particular way. In doing so, they tend to act maturely in the future or deal with problematic situations in a better way. In an interesting study that followed some fired engineers, the researchers found that those engineers who consistently occupied themselves with expressive writing were able to find another job quickly. The engineers who wrote down their feelings about losing their jobs reported feeling less anger and hatred toward their former employer. Eight months later, less than 19% of the engineers in the control groups were reemployed full-time, compared with more than 52% of the engineers in the expressive writing group.

And there are many such examples where writing has become a ray of hope for many.

So write,
write till your heart feels light,
write till nothing makes you fright,
write till you feel things are alright.